How to integrate Email in ToolsonCloud CRM with SMTP

You can send emails to your leads, prospects and contacts directly from ToolsonCloud CRM using your own email address such as "[email protected]". To start sending email you are required to configure your Email using SMTP mail servers.

To connect your mail server, follow these steps:

  1. Login to ToolsonCloud CRM account.

  2. You can go to Email Integration page using 2 ways:
    • Way 1: Click on Profile icon on top right corner of navbar > Click on Settings > Click on Email Integration.
    • Way 2: Click on Email link on the top navbar > In compose email section, Click on "Configure Email" link. (This link will appear if you are adding your first email).

  3. On the Email Integration page, Click on "Connect Email" button on the top right side.

  4. In the "Connect Email" dialog box, Enter the details of your mail server connection.
    • SMTP Server: This is the host server name of your email provider**.
    • Port: Enter the port being used for your mail server.
    • Email: Enter the sender email which will be shown to the mail recipient.
    • Username: Enter the username to access your SMTP mail server. Depending on your email service provider, this might be same as email or might be different in case you are using API based authentication.
    • Password: Enter the password to access your SMTP mail server. This might be same or different as your email password. Some email SMTP service mail offer to use separate API key based passwords for added security.

  5. Once the details are added, click on "Add Mail Server" button to add the mail server.

  6. To test the connection, you can go to Emails page from the top navbar to try sending a Test email.

Important Note:
  • For all the mail servers added, TLS is enabled by default.
  • *Please note that once you add your Mail Server details, your username and password will not be shown again to ensure security.
  • **If you are new to SMTP mail server, then you can refer the below pages to access mail server details of the commonly used email service providers. Should you require any assistance to configure the mail servers, then contact us on our support page from the CRM app.
  • Depending on your email service provider, you may have a daily cap on the number of emails which can be sent via SMTP. Please refer to the same in case you have heavy email sending requirement.

SMTP details page:

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