What is a Lead Capture Web Form or Web to Lead form?

Lead Capture Web form or a Web to lead form, as the name suggest is a form on your website which helps you capture leads.

Whenever a visitor visits your website or a blog or a landing page, they go through your content about the products and services you provide. This creates an interest and they would want to connect with you to discuss further. In order to make it easier for them to reach out to you, you must have a lead capture form on your website so that the visitor can fill the form requesting for you to connect back.

Difference between normal contact form vs Lead Capture web forms

Lead Capture Web forms on ToolsonCloud CRM is different from the usual forms on your website. This is because the conventional contact forms of your website usually trigger an email to you whenever a visitor submits the form. Once you receive the mail, you are required to copy that data into an excel sheet for your tracking otherwise it will get lost in emails.

This manual data entry work becomes an overkill when you start receiving more number of form submissions. To improve your productivity, Lead Capture Web forms in ToolsonCloud automatically loads the responses received on the form directly into ToolsonCloud CRM. This improves your productivity by reducing your manual data entry labour. This small automation saves tons of precious time which can be leveraged in closing deals faster.

As a sample, you can take a look at the below lead capture web form created in ToolsonCloud CRM.

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